Archives for September 2010

Understanding Debt Settlement

Understanding Debt Settlement

In this day and age, a lot of people find themselves with an overwhelming amount of debt that has accumulated over the years. Unfortunately, one may not be financially stable to handle a repayment of these debts in full.  The monthly payments that include high interest rates, late fees and at times finance charges, add up to substantial amounts.  Over time, the accrued interest keeps growing on the principal and the ability to pay becomes more and more difficult while the debt keeps on growing.

Once the consumer is no longer able to meet the minimum payment requirements the account enters into a delinquent status.  Having delinquent accounts will further damage a consumer’s financial situation and especially one’s credit history.  The sky rocketing interest rates, increased minimum payments and inability to meet your payments on time will result in negative posts to the consumer’s credit report.  The previous amounts due on those accounts now becomes inflated to an astronomical amount and keeps growing every month.  That’s when the consumer really starts drowning in debt, since the interest is still accruing, late charges are piling up and the amount owed is beginning to grow to extreme proportions.  That’s when a lot of people are turning to bankruptcy as they don’t know of any other solution.  Apart from filing bankruptcy, you also have an option of consulting a professional debt settlement company.  Debt settlement companies will thoroughly analyze your financial situation, determine the monthly amount you can afford to pay and will start negotiating with your creditors in order to achieve a settlement for less than the original amount owed.

After delinquent debts begin to accumulate, many consumers are unaware of the multitude of options they have at their disposal.  Some consumers feel compelled by their initial agreement and responsibility to repay the debt, they hurt themselves financially in other areas just to cover the monthly minimum payment amount.  Most consumers think they have to pay every cent back immediately, or will face serious consequences.  However, before pulling out a second mortgage to consolidate bills, or considering filing a bankruptcy that may liquidate all assets, the consumer should be informed of all the existing solutions. Spending some time doing a little research can lead one to find options that will help alleviate financial stress.

Debt Settlement Options

Most consumers who are overwhelmed by large amounts of debt tend to do one of two things: either sacrifice in every area of their financial portfolio to repay the debt, leaving them without funds or assets of any kind. Or they simply ignore their debt, let it continue to accumulate and add up, and have creditors and debt collectors harass them continually.  None of these options is financially or emotionally healthy, for obvious reasons.  Depending on the amount of debt and all the various circumstances, both of these options might actually be the case.  However, they are definitely not appropriate for everyone.

People who have small debts that have become delinquent should try to repay in full in a short period of time. Repayment plans are great options, and can be accomplished in a relatively small time frame (anywhere from 2 months to 3 years), with a monthly payment amount that is both comfortable for a consumer’s financial situation and acceptable to the creditor. However, if the delinquent debt is very large, and that interest continues to accumulate, then other options should be considered.  There are several reputable debt consolidated organizations that can help with a small amount of money or you can even consult with a private financial analyst to see what can be done to get the debt consolidated.

One of the most popular options available to consumers is an option to pay the debt. This option is available for every account, regardless of whether it’s due to a creditor, debt collection agency or paid through a credit counseling agency. The debt always varies depending on the consumer and the details of the delinquent debt, but it is usually the best option for all parties involved. The consumer usually saves a substantial amount of money, possibly even some time – and the delinquent debt is repaid to a satisfactory state.

How to get out of debt?

debt settlement

The million dollar question for a person who is neck deep in debt would be to how to get out of debt. Getting caught into the vicious circle of ever amounting debt outstanding, high interest rates, late fees and endless reminders and threats by the creditors could be the nightmare for any debtor.

For a debtor who wants to get rid of his situation, there are many options available to him. The best option that would suit him would depend upon his outstanding and paying back capacity.

There are a few options available to the debtor for the approach that he would take for any kind of debt relief measure with his creditors. He can either decide to take upon the task himself to strike the best possible deal with the creditors, or he can appoint a debt settlement company to take forward his case. That apart he can also seek the advice of a debt counselors and then take the case forward either himself or via them.

The options available to a debtor for getting out a debt would include-

~ Debt settlement– where a certain part of the debt is waived off, more often on the interest rates and the late fee, and the repayment schedule is reworked according to the paying capacity of the debtor.

~ Pay offs– in this case a lump sum amount is paid by the debtor to the creditor to wipe his debt clean. A debtor is able to garner much better waives off in this case than debt settlement, but then it is mandatory that the debtor pays back the reworked amount in one go.

~ Loan consolidation– generally a debtor takes on more than one debt at a time. When he is unable to pay back any of his loans completely, it is advisable that he moves his high interest loans to a the low interest ones, so that he has to pay a lower amount on interest on the rest of his outstanding. That apart this option also facilitates only one payment each month (since all his loans reduced to a single loan), and also does away with the hassles of remembering the payment dates for each and every debt.

It is advisable therefore, for a debtor to ponder over on all the options before choosing the one which suits him best